Friday, 14 October 2011

Remembering Steve for the Love of Music

Shredding on the guitar is something I enjoy and work at most nights. After the usual intense neo-classical workout on the day Steve Jobs passed on, a more relaxed arioso (in the manner of an aria; melodious) tune jumped out of the fretboard and developed rapidly. I sketched down the tune and headed to bed and only heard the news about Steve's passing the next morning.

In hindsight, the sections of the tune between the low B and the high E tell part of the story of Steve’s most remarkable journey while he was in this world. See the section map of how the tune might correspond to events in Steve's life, in a another post below, which you can compare to the video on the YouTube Channel when both sites are open side-by-side.

The video of the tune was recorded live at Advance Electronics here in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Altogether, there is the primary video (Introduction and Solr Guitar) plus eight more outtake videos of behind-the-scenes mixing and laughter as we worked through technical difficulties with the audio mixer.

The videos are available on a YouTube Channel companion site called song4stevejobs, just click the link to view the Introduction and outtake videos. Hope you enjoy the music and I look forward to your comments.



  1. Awesome! I really liked the videos! Thanks!
    -Ben Rogers

  2. The composition on guitar is something powerful. Nice.
