Friday 14 October 2011

Remembering Steve the Consummate Virtuoso

From the day I encountered the original Macintosh in 1984 it became a lasting source of inspiration for me, ultimately its been a catalyst for my musical aspirations that in turn helped guided me toward the realization and development of a whole new musical instrument. The software instrument is called Virtuoso and its features transcend the creative and learning limitations that have faced musicians for centuries, amazing!

I would have liked to demonstrate the Virtuoso prototype to Steve, or now to someone who identifies with his values. I know Steve would love it and knowing about it he would make it happen. Virtuoso is the missing link for active music makers, containing designs and features not yet experienced in existing products. If Steve saw how well it fits with his vision of making the human experience with computers excellent and how powerful it is, Virtuoso would simply be a done deal.

The Virtuoso software is the result of honest evaluation of the things that inhibit music making. The same dissatisfaction (with existing options) Steve was known for and subsequently the same quality of engineering and purpose he was known for have resulted in designing Virtuoso. The end solution innovates on multiple levels and liberates and empowers people, to enable them to reach their true musical and human potential.

Like Steve said "music in our blood, we all love it". This speaks to the fact that music is in our very being and in the fabric of all that is done and made, both modern science and ancient mysteries know this to be true. Music is a universal language and through the synergy of the inventions Steve made and the Virtuoso software instrument a new musical revolution of virtuosity will be unleashed.

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